About Matchpoint Careers

The Company

Matchpoint Careers was founded in late 2009 and launched in Beta version early in 2011. We are the first fully automated use of performance-predicting science to place the right people in the right jobs.

Matchpoint Careers is not a job board, it is not job search.  It is job-person matching based on the scientifically validated predictors of success in each job.

With this, employers substantially increase the likelihood of placing the right person in the right job. Candidates increase the likelihood of securing a job and career that they will enjoy and where they will perform.

Management Team

Founder and CEO, Paul Basile

Prior to Matchpoint Careers, Founder and CEO Paul Basile was involved in two other start-ups: a software-as-a-service business with outsourced learning management solutions, and a consulting firm providing culture change to corporate leadership teams.

Earlier, Paul was European President of DBM, a leading outplacement company whose main mission is helping people find jobs. He has been President of Asia-Pacific for SHL plc, a leading psychometric products and services company, head of e-business for Hay Group, and chief marketing officer for The Boston Consulting Group, Hay Group, and IMD. He also led marketing for Computer Sciences Corporation in Europe and was President of CSC France.

Paul holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, with Honors, from Princeton University, a Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and a Masters from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.

Chief Financial Officer - John Muhall

Chief Financial Officer - John Muhall John is a high energy, entrepreneurially minded Certified Public Accountant with over 27 years of experience specializing in improving enterprise profitability and cash flow of domestic and international companies.  As a CPA in private practice, John served small to medium sized private companies and divisions of Fortune 100 companies throughout his entire career.  He has an impressive track record of building enterprise value for companies in a variety of industries including:  food processing, manufacturing, distribution, consumer products, textiles & apparel, professional services, construction, and insurance.

John is a partner in the firm B2B CFO®, a national firm of 185 partners providing part-time CFO services to small and middle market companies through the entire United States.

Chief Technology Officer: Tom Gosling

The Chief Technology Officer manages the build or acquisition of the internet platform, selects and manages offshore vendors and technology and oversees all technology choices and implementation decisions.  

Tom is CEO of GLG New York and Managing Director of GLG London - both of which are web development agencies providing a range of services to a wide variety of clients.

Tom's background is in the development of online psychometric assessment software which he has been involved with for the past 14 years.

Vice President, Marketing: Fionnuala O'Conor

Knowledge management is about creating clarity.  Fionnuala makes sure we are saying what we mean, in ways that make sense to employers, jobseekers and investors.  It’s also her job to understand the feedback we are getting and how we need to respond.  Think of her as a simultaneous translator between people, science and business.

Before Matchpoint Careers, Fionnuala worked in consulting, government, two start ups and international espionage.  She graduated from Oxford University with First Class Honors, speaks five languages and lives in New York City.

Chief Scientist: Angus McDonald

The Chief Scientist is responsible for the selection or development of our psychometric and other tests; he ensures the integrity and validity of our intellectual property.  

Angus holds a doctorate in psychology. He has over 15 years experience in psychology-based companies; has led product design, development and marketing for psychometrics and assessment firms; has carried out many leadership assessments as a consultant; and is author of numerous published tests and questionnaires.