What do I get?

With Matchpoint Careers, the right job finds you. Plus you get detailed and privacy-protected feedback on your career strengths and personalized advice on landing your best-fit job...
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Why the assessments?
We match on science, not guesses. The assessments you fill out map your profile in terms of the researched and proven predictors of job performance...
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Job Seekers
How does Matchpoint Careers protect your privacy?
You control access to your data
Nobody can search for you on Matchpoint Careers, or see your profile or your email or any other personal information unless you give specific permission. You might want to share your profile with a careers adviser or other mentor, or you might want your profile to be submitted to an employer to join a specific hiring shortlist. In either case, sharing your data is entirely your decision – and you can change your mind and re-establish total privacy at any time. -
We keep our site secure
We use the latest and best-proven technology to keep our site and databases secure from phishing, hacking and other intrusions. We update our approaches regularly, to stay several steps ahead of the bad guys. -
We don't sell, rent or otherwise share your personal information
The only way we use your data – apart from giving you private feedback and offering to put you on shortlists when we find a job that’s a good match for your talents – is in anonymized form as part of our ongoing research into performance at work. All potential personal identifiers are removed before the data is analyzed, and no outputs of our research can be linked back to any individual.